Brochures & Catalogs Brochures & Catalogs

Download our product brochures and catalogs for download to aid you in your projects - including our Capabilities Brochure.

ICI Fume Hood Catalog (updated 5.28.24)

The ISOLATOR combines the newest innovations in fume hood design with accepted architectural practices to achieve the most unique approach to fume containment in the world. Many of our standard features cannot be found on other fume hoods. The ISOLATOR’s most outstanding attribute is safety.


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ICI-CampbellRhea Wood Catalog 2021 Updated 2.5.25

The ICI-CampbellRhea Educational catalog was specifically designed with the architects’ selection processes in mind. This function-focused presentation of ICI’s CampbellRhea Educational wood casework, furniture, and equipment was designed to follow a logical, creative path to your complete K-14 laboratory or classroom. Contact us, or the ICI Dealer in your area, if you would like a hardcopy of the binder for your library.

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ICI CornerStone Steel Laboratory Casework Catalog (Updated 5-9-24)

ICI's newest line of laboratory furniture: Cornerstone. Blending an enhanced aesthetic appearance and highly refined adaptable design with the rugged construction necessary to perform flawlessly in today's highly challenging laboratory environment, Cornerstone stands above all others. By delivering the most square inches of usable storage in the market with the industry's first truly adjustable and convertible furniture system, Cornerstone assures your Laboratory Furniture selection will conform to your ever changing need.

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TierOne Brochure

ICIscientific TierOne, Premier WoodCasework.Your single source for superior laboratory wood casework, fume hoods, work surfaces and fixtures. TierOne is the perfect blend of old world craftsmanship and modern design.

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CampbellRhea Laboratory Design Concepts

Laboratory Concepts is a collection of proposed lab layouts, complete with casework, tables, cabinets & cases, fume hoods, fittings and fixtures! We provide a complete list of product names & numbers to make it easier for you to visualize your unique design. We have three (3) each, separate and unique, Biology and Chemistry concept laboratories for your review; and, two (2) combination Biology/Chemistry labs!

You might just find the perfect laboratory concept for your project, already done, right here! Review all the Concepts; and, if you’d like individual PDF’s, request them by name using our “Contact” form. 

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ICI Premium Wood Finishes Updated (Updated 4-20-23)

ICI Scientific casework is offered in seven custom finishes; each formulated to enhance the natural grain and beauty of Oak and Maple. Our 10-step process begins in a clean, environmentally controlled room. Selected NGR stain is robotically applied, oven dried and then sealed with a catalyzed vinyl sealer thermally cured at 125°F. The final top coat of clear, catalyzed conversion varnish is applied and thermally cured at 125°F. This process yields a superior finish, chemically resistant, tough, durable, smooth; and, with excellent color stabillity and high luster.

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ICI Adaptable Laboratory Furniture Catalog

FlexCore instrument carts can be assembled from a wide array of components to create mobile benches, bookcases, computer support or docking desk environments. Services can be easily managed through simple access panels, while not interrupting operations.

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ICI Capabilities Brochure

Institutional Casework Inc. is uniquely positioned to serve your complete project needs from steel, stainless steel, or custom wood laboratory and science casework to equipment, fixtures, work surfaces and hoods. 

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ICI Metal Color Wheel

ICI Metal Color Wheel for ICI Painted Steel Casework, Isolator and LabShield Fume Hoods, FlexCore, FlexiLab, and Envision.

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CornerStone Technical Data Sheets

PDF 497.1 KB

ICI Lab Layout and Design Considerations

ICI Scientific Lab Layout and Design Considerations 

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